Chetter72: From Disney Performer to Popular Streamer

Chetter72, a well-known name in the gaming community, has a fascinating career that spans from the magical world of Disney to the dynamic universe of online streaming. His journey is a testament to perseverance and passion, which has culminated in remarkable success over the past few months.

Rise to Fame

For months, Chetter72 consistently streamed, building a small but loyal viewer base. In October 2023, he streamed for 42 hours, averaging just two viewers. November 2023 saw little change, with 45 hours streamed and an average of three viewers. The turning point came in June 2024, when a viral TikTok clip changed his life. The clip (found here) showed him in conversation with pudgykindness, explaining his 15-year tenure at Disney as the voice of Crush the turtle in the interactive show „Turtle Talk with Crush.“

Chetter72 truly captured the hearts of the community when he sang a personalized version of „Happy Birthday“ for a single viewer. This viewer surprised him with a $450 donation and called on TikTok followers to change the friendly streamer’s life – and thousands responded. The video by pudgykindness garnered over 50 million views and 8.7 million likes, driving countless new viewers to Chetter72’s Twitch channel.

When Chetter72 went live on Twitch on June 15, 2024, he was overwhelmed by the number of viewers in his chat. „I’m totally speechless,“ he said. In the initial moments of the stream, he was barely audible over the flood of notifications for subscriptions, cheers, and donations.

Career and Background

Chetter72’s journey began in November 2004 at Disney, where he worked as a host and performer at Innoventions, an interactive exhibit at Disneyland Resort showcasing technological innovations. His big break came in 2005 when he auditioned for the role of Crush the turtle in the popular show Turtle Talk. „I never thought I would spend 15 years doing the turtle voice,“ he recounted. During his time at Disney, Chetter72 not only voiced Crush but also formed lasting friendships and gained invaluable experience.

„The people I met along the way were the highlights of my time at Disney. I made so many great friends and colleagues in those 15 years,“ he said. However, due to personal medical issues, he had to leave Disney. These health problems prevented him from working, ultimately leading to his departure.

Transition to Streaming

Inspired by popular streamers like Timthetatman, Huskerrs, and Ninja, Chetter72 decided to try streaming. „I loved watching streamers who made people laugh and entertained them while playing video games. I thought I would enjoy that too,“ he explained. Initially, he streamed sporadically, but his consistent efforts paid off when his content gained traction through TikTok.

„I’ve always been a gamer and an entertainer, so the two just met,“ he said. The support of his friends during this period was crucial. They watched as his streaming career took shape before their eyes. „It definitely gave me more energy and a drive to pursue this as a career,“ he added.

Future Ambitions

Although Chetter72 still views streaming as a hobby, he acknowledges its potential as a full-fledged career. He aims to continue entertaining people through streaming and videos. „Making people happy is my goal,“ he emphasized. Although a return to a large company like Disney seems unlikely, he is open to attending conventions like Gamescom to meet new people and explore opportunities.

„I don’t know what it would take for me to return to Disney or any other job. It’s difficult to compete with streaming. Being your own boss is quite amazing,“ he said. Meeting new people is one of his passions, so attending conventions is definitely a goal.

Current Industry Developments

Regarding the recent mass layoffs in media and gaming studios, Chetter72 expressed empathy for those affected. „It’s devastating for anyone to lose a position they’ve been working at, no matter how long they’ve been there,“ he said. He views streaming as a viable career path and plans to focus his energy on it.

„Being your own boss as a streamer is amazing. That’s my goal, and I will direct my energy towards that now and in the future,“ he added.

Chetter72’s story is a testament to resilience and adaptability, demonstrating how passion and dedication can lead to success in unexpected avenues. His journey from Disney performer to beloved streamer continues to inspire many in the gaming community.

For more information about Chetter72, visit his Twitch channel.

A heartfelt thank you to Chetter72 for taking the time to answer our questions and share his inspiring story with us.

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